Summer is for trips to the beach, family time, playing outside and—reading together! So we’re excited to announce our summer reading program is BACK! Whether you read a bedtime story, curl up for an afternoon read, or your kids practice “reading” by themselves—if you’re spending time with a book it counts!
Print off our Summer Reading Chart below and color in a circle for each book you read. When you’ve filled in all 30 dots, it’s time to reward your little ones with a sweet treat! Take your completed chart to Putnam Pantry to enjoy a well earned junior sundae!
Happy reading!
Download your summer reading chart
For a summer treat, try freezing yogurt to make these refreshing snacks!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! Memorial Day is this weekend, the perfect time to bring back this sweet summer treat. Even better? You can make it yourself—with just a bag!
Tip: You can use strips of parchment paper when you roll them so they don’t stick together. Store them in the fridge or freezer!
Print out these food cards and let your kids sort the healthy and not healthy foods!