When Patrick was born six weeks early he experienced trauma and the NICU team from Brigham and Women’s Hospital feared he would have swelling of the brain. Doctors from Children’s Hospital assisted those at Brigham and Women’s and immediately put Patrick in a cooling blanket to stop swelling from occurring.
During this emotional experience the doctors from Children’s Hospital were caring and thoughtful and spoke to use in a way that we could understand during the traumatic experience. Dr. Soul and her neurology team continue to follow Patrick and are pleased with the progress he has made over the last three and a half years.
At nine months old, neurology discovered that Patrick had an eye strabismus that would require surgical intervention. Dr. Dagi and her ophthalmology team from Children’s Hospital have worked to correct Patrick’s ocular damage for the last three years. We have been lucky enough to work with teams from Boston and the satellite locations for Patrick’s procedures. Every doctor, nurse, and medical assistant that we have come in contact with were not only wonderful with Patrick, but were helpful and comforting to the two worried and emotional parents watching their son go through the medical treatments.
Since birth, Patrick has also worked with teams from Audiology, ENT, Speech Pathology, and Orthopedics. Every single member of the Children’s Hospital team has been caring and profession and has made a dramatic difference in the life Patrick lives today. We will forever be grateful for the specialized care we have received from Boston Children’s Hospital.
How can you support this hospital that takes such good care of our children? Purchase tickets to A Magical Night of Hope, buy raffle tickets at your school, and bid on on our online auctions!