I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! Memorial Day is this weekend, the perfect time to bring back this sweet summer treat. Even better? You can make it yourself—with just a bag!



  1. In a small resealable plastic bag, combine half-and-half, sugar, and vanilla. Push out excess air and seal.
  2. Into a large resealable plastic bag, combine ice and salt. Place small bag inside the bigger bag and shake vigorously, 7 to 10 minutes, until ice cream has hardened.
  3. Remove from bag and enjoy with your favorite ice cream toppings.

These fruit rolls up are healthy, delicious, and super simple!



  1. Line a small baking tray with plastic wrap so it hangs over the edge a bit. Preheat your oven to its lowest setting.
  2. Puree all of your ingredients in your blender until combined. Spread into an even layer on your prepared pan.
  3. Bake 6-8 hours or until your fruit is no longer sticky to the touch. Start checking around hour 4. Slice and roll.

Tip: You can use strips of parchment paper when you roll them so they don’t stick together. Store them in the fridge or freezer!

Print out these food cards and let your kids sort the healthy and not healthy foods!



  1. Cut a 3-sided opening in the top of your box using scissors or a box cutter. Lift up the flap and crease on the side that’s still connected to the box.
  2. Cover the inside of flap with a large piece of aluminum foil. To keep the opening lifted, use a wooden skewer or stick.
  3. Line the bottom of the box with aluminum foil.
  4. Use graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallow to make your s’more and place it inside your box.
  5. Lift the lid of the box and put a layer of plastic wrap over the lower section of the box, covering the opening. Use painter’s tape to make sure there are no gaps or holes in the plastic to ensure that you create a real greenhouse effect.
  6. Place your solar oven outside in direct sun, positioning the top flap so that the sun reflects into the box.
  7. Enjoy your delicious s’mores!

Make silly animal faces with toast and fruit—not only are these fun to make, but they’re also a delicious snack!


It rains a LOT in the Amazon—that’s why it’s called a rain forest! Today we’re going to make our very own rain sticks so we can pretend we’re there exploring!



  1. Crumple up a long, thin piece of aluminum foil and insert it into the paper towel tube. The aluminum foil will act as the barrier to keep the beans or popcorn kernels moving through the tube at a slow rate, making the rainfall sound.
  2. Put a doubled-up piece of plastic wrap over one end of the paper towel tube, and tape in place.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of dry beans or popcorn kernels into the open end of the tube, then seal the end with a doubled-up piece of plastic wrap. Tape plastic wrap in place.
  4. Tape paper to the paper towel tube, then wrap around tube, securing end with tape.
  5. Decorate with marker and stickers.
  6. Tip back and forth to hear the sweet sound of rainfall!